UrbanAI solution
Our core product is UrbanAI: a data fusion tool based on satellite imagery to model the city environment, be the city digital twin and and enhance autonomous navigation in urban mobility applications. Its mission is twofold:
– Reshape state of art urban mobility technologies bridging the gap towards full autonomous navigation.
– Digitalize to smart city sector by providing an analytics dashboard and data aggregator platform for the city
Challenges of urbanization:
- Land management
- edges of urban areas keep expanding by increase pace of urbanization
- green spaces are disappearing
- 2/3 of people (~10 Bn) will live in urbanized areas by 2050
- High energy consumption: urban areas consume around 76% of global energy. By 2050 without any mitigation actions cities energy use will increase by more than three times
- Urban areas environmental impact: generate about three quarters of global CO2 emissions
- Mobility is becoming an issue. As a result, we need to search for new mobility solutions. The future of mobility is autonomous, connected and electric.
- Our mission is to foster innovation in various industries by means of earth observation data
- Build a city digital twin that facilitates the transparency of the environmental, land usage, mobility state of urban areas in the past, present and future
- Get acquainted population with satellite imagery and unveil its lasting potential.

Application fields

Space App
Camp 2018
We won top prize with mobile App Urbansat at Space App Camp 2018 in Frascati, Italy organised by European Space Agency
ESA BIC hosted
by Ultrahack
Zero Gravity was the winner of the Finnish Meteorological Institute special prize at ESA BIC hosted by Ultrahack
Space track at
Junction 2017
The winner of space track at Junction 2017 with Bioplanner mobile App and second prize from European Space Agency
Check out our
Developed Apps
Urbansat: all your urban planning data in one app
Our app Urbansat took top prize at European Space Agency App Camp 2018 in Frascati, Italy. Urbansat aims to guide more ecological urban planning to keep balance between growing pace of urbanization and green spaces. It provides a range of data for smart city and urban planners: information on green/urban spaces, terrain, night time lights, air quality etc., all in one place. Analytical drag and drop dashboard of close to real time impact of building construction is provided to the user by calculating the reduction of greenspace and air quality in a selected area on the map
Environmental awareness App: all your environmental, climate change and human activities data from satellites at your finger tips
We are releasing an education mobile app for general audience that capture the earth’s environmental state coming from satellites. Our mission is to get the general public acquainted with the heartbeat of our planet from satellite imagery data. With your fingers you can switch to different data layers and observe close to real time state of our planet in terms of air pollution, active fires, night illumination, earth, sea temperature, etc. It can help general public to understand visually the climate change issue that society is facing by means of satellite data
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